"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First time ever : Animation Mentor "Tips & Tricks With Shawn Kelly" E-book for FREE !!!

If you have been reading Animation Mentor's Monthly Newsletter you are well aware the section by Shawn Kelly where he shares his amazing knowledge of everything to do with animation in the form of Tips & Tricks.

Now for the first time its been compiled at one place in the form of E-book. For anyone interested in this beautiful craft, this E-book is nothing less than gold. Whether you want to know about Timing, Contrast, Planning, Observation, Exaggeration and so on, its ALL there ! And also if you lucky you may also find some amazing cocktail recipes !!! Come on guys, it cant get better than this...can it ???

Well guess what...it does !!!

When you do sign for the E-book, you can also sign up for an exclusive live QNA session with the author itself, thats right, Shawn Kelly himself. For those of you interested in Animation Mentor, this QNA is a must to attend, its just a sneak peek of what Animation Mentor has to offer for all those having dreams of pursuing animation as a choice of vocation.

Get your Ebook now and here !

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