Surf's Up (2007)
Medium - Animation
Genre - Comedy/Family/Sport
Cast (Voice Over) - Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges
Plot Outline - This animated mock documentary directed by Chris Buck (TARZAN) and Ash Brannon (TOY STORY 2) follows penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf) from his hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the other penguins think he’s a surfing fool, to the "Big Z Memorial Surf Off" on Pen Gu Island. This teenage penguin is determined to win the most important competition in the world of penguin surfing in honor of "Big Z," a deceased surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. But the waves in Pen Gu are different than in Shiverpool, and the competition is steep. The current champ, egotistical Tank Evans (Diedrich Bader), isn’t about to let this little penguin knock him from first place without a fight.
Why to watch it - Its giving some serious competition to my another favorite movie from PIXAR - Ratatouille. And the animation is just fantastic right from the word go. A must watch for anyone who likes to get entertained.
Enjoy a glimpse -
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