"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bye Bye Blogger : My Last Post

All-right, its not that I am shedding my blogger cape and completely moving away from the exciting word of blogging. But I am moving away from Blogger and onto Wordpress(WP)!!! Why ?

  •  WP has more features, more ways to customize in terms of themes, widgets. 
  • Blogger no longer meets my demands. It was great when I started blogging as its really easy to get started but somehow I felt restricted by Blogger at many different levels.
  • No matter what template we choose in Blogger, somehow all the blogger sites have an inherent look which makes all the blogs same to an extent in terms of appearance. 
  • In keeping long term view of my plans, WP is way more compatible than Blogger would ever would be. What long term plan? Well subscribe to my blog in WP to stay abreast with all the exciting things I have in the pipeline. 
Now having said, its been a truly enjoyable journey so far here on Blogger. Thanks to Blogger I am now 280 posts old spread across 57 categories! A very big achievement for me when I look back during signing up for a blog and had no clue what I would be posting about!!!
    So from now onwards you can/should/better catch my blog posts at -


    Now initially my WP blog may look a bit incomplete and you miss few of the things I have here, but worry not, as I am still in the process of migrating everything. If even after sometime you don't find some thing which will simply mean that I no longer wanted it and will be replacing with much more exciting stuff.

    So without further ado, visit my new blog and make sure you subscribe/rss the feeds in order to not miss anything.

    Looking forward to your continued patronage as always! 


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