"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

Monday, December 14, 2009

Starting A New Habit - Gesture Drawing !

I used to do gesture drawing on and off, but unfortunately it never really transcended to a habit. But now I really want to nail this down as an everyday habit like I brush my teeth/take a bath/eat breakfast and so on.

It will be my endeavor to post at-least 10 drawings everyday. These drawings will not be a mark of my draftsmanship but rather my effort to understand human anatomy, line of action and how just the body language in a few very rough lines can convey so much. All this is to help me in my Animation in terms of posing, as poses are without doubt the foundation of any and every good animation. Once you have the main key/storytelling/golden poses working for you, then its all about building on top of that.

So here my poses for today -

Any suggestions on how to improvise in this direction is very much appreciated.



1 comment:

bala said...

am no pro. but i wld say go out in the beach/station or nywhere out n sketch...and one of ma frnd suggested ths awesome book ..try ths style http://www.scribd.com/doc/17518033/Force-Dynamic-Life-Drawing-for-Animators