"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stop Procrastinating - 7 Tips

Its been sometime since I posted something(apart from my Weekly Movie Recommendations) as I have been(and still will be for sometime to come) really busy with my own independent 3D Animated Short Film, which hopefully will be completed in a couple of months. You can get more info on that here

But "procrastination" is one area which I struggle almost every day and I am sure each of one us do face it more often than we would realise or care to admit. Many would also use other terms instead of "procrastinate" like "putting things for later", "prioritizing", "being lazy" and so on. So I thought it would be a good topic to dwell upon.  

One of my good friends Josh Corken has a recent blog post on how to stop procrastination.  Its short and concise, simple and well written and I felt it was perfect to get some light thrown on this topic. 

I wont say its the definitive guide but its a fantastic starting point to get the idea across. 

Hope it helps you as it surely helped me to brush over things which I need to be constantly reminded about.


1 comment:

Josh Corken said...

Thanks for the re-post Ani!

I'm glad it helped so much. It was good information to go over when I was writing it. That's for sure!